Genocide? Bolsonaro and indigenous peoples in the COVID-19 pandemic

In the last few weeks there has been widespread repercussion in the Brazilian press regarding the controversy between the Minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Gilmar Mendes, and some members of Bolsonaro’s Government.


Precarious work: the neoliberal and authoritarian face of the pandemic

In view of the isolation and social distancing measures necessary to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, several sectors of the economy have suffered heavy losses. The decrease in industrial and commercial activities has increased the likelihood of mass layoffs and, consequently, the intensification of financial and economic crises that Brazil already had difficulties facing.


The fight for diversity is a democratic fight: anti-racism and anti-fascism on Brazilian streets

In recent weeks, there have been numerous anti-racist demonstrations in the world. These protests, triggered in the United States, were due to the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, killed by asphyxiation during violent police action in late May.
