The Center for Studies on Transitional Justice at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CJT/UFMG) is a research and extension project that aims to enable, from the privileged place of the university, the involvement of researchers, professors and students, with the guidelines of transitional justice (memory and truth, accountability, reparation and institutional reforms) in Brazil and Latin America, mainly. Assuming a transnational perspective, the CJT/UFMG seeks not only to improve studies on different transitional contexts (authoritarianism for democracy and conflict for post-conflict societies), but also to offer legal and political means of action of people and organizations from civil society: resistants, relatives of the disappeared, NGOs, associations, human rights actors. This while promoting institutional engagement with truth commissions, reparations commissions, ombudsmen, prosecutors and judges.
The CJT/UFMG is a permanent member of the Latin American Transitional Justice Network.
Interim Profesors
Consulting Board